Greta Thunberg, the U.N., and Your Dinner
Because of this article I’ll receive nasty messages. I’ll be called names like “climate denier” or worse. I’ll be accused of “picking on an innocent child,” even though I will do no such thing.
All for the simple act of pointing out this truth: Your food and your life are both going to be increasingly controlled by activists.
Greta and the U.N.
Greta Thunberg, the 16 year-old Swedish activist, sailed to the U.S. to spread her climate change message. She led “climate strike” protests over the weekend. On September 23rd, Greta addressed the United Nations Climate Action Summit.
If you haven’t viewed the video, do so. Climate change devotees gush over her performance. Yesterday, Twitter was full of calls to give her the Nobel Prize.
Greta’s speech was indeed a performance.
Has anyone else considered that maybe Greta is just delivering lines she’s been taught and rehearsing for years? Turns out Greta’s mother is an actress and opera singer. Her dad is an actor, writer, and producer. The family’s book about “climate crisis” is set to release next year.
Greta asserted that we and the U.N. had “stolen her dreams and her childhood.” Her childhood seems to have been stolen but it wasn’t by you or me. It was her parents.
The teenager goes on to rail against the idea of eternal economic growth as a “fairy tale.”
In the era of political correctness and media-infused political agendas, we’re not supposed to question teenage activists. As adults, we’re simply supposed to reward child protestors for their “passion.”
Passion is an extreme or uncontrollable emotion. So, a 16 year-old kid delivered a “passionate” (and overly dramatic) speech to the U.N. Now we’re supposed to upend the global economy?
What’s This Have To Do With Your Dinner?
Climate Strikers want action, although it’s not completely clear what action. Some protest groups demand an elimination of all fossil fuels by the year 2030. That’s only possible if we eliminate most electricity and transportation.
After fossil fuels, the crosshairs will be set on Agriculture. Specifically, meat will be in the crosshairs. It already is thanks to climate crusaders like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. AOC warned of the dangers of “cow farts” in her televised environmental town hall.
The congresswoman also wants Americans to rethink cheeseburger consumption. FYI, when political zealots like Cortez say “rethink,” they mean regulate. Cortez’s mayor, Bill de Blasio has done just that.
De Blasio legislated “meatless Mondays” in New York, eliminating meat from the menu in government buildings. Every Monday, one million New York school kids are denied meat in school cafeterias to adhere to de Blasio’s enviro-activism.
The United Nations verges on an activist group. The U.N. created the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which had this to say in their August report:
“We don’t want to tell people what to eat,” says Hans-Otto Pörtner, an ecologist who co-chairs the IPCC’s working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. “But it would indeed be beneficial, for both climate and human health, if people in many rich countries consumed less meat, and if politics would create appropriate incentives to that effect.”
More Taxes, Less Meat
The U.N. wants governments to “incentivize” meat reduction. It’s already happening in places like New York. Increasingly you’ll see campaigns against meat. “Meat shaming” — making people feel guilty for what they eat — is now a thing.
Next will be meat taxes under the guise of environmental consciousness. At first it’ll be taxes on beef, then other animal proteins, then milk and dairy products for sure. Eventually, taxes will be placed on whatever foods climate crusaders rally against.
Call me a “climate denier” if you want, I’m merely pointing out where this movement ends. Every human activity impacts the environment. Electricity generation, whether by coal or windmill, impacts Earth. As does transportation, housing, manufacturing, breeding, breathing, and eating.
This is why climate change is such a brilliant angle if you seek to control human behavior. Position all your demands as concern for climate change, then call any who question you, “deniers.”
What are you having for dinner? Ask Greta.
Damian Mason is an Agriculturalist, Businessman, Podcaster, Author, Speaker, and Food Commentator. Find him at .
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