Crowd Feel — A Business Lesson From Comedy

One of many things a career in comedy taught me is the value of what I call “crowd feel.” With the world careening into a Covid-19 caused crisis, your comprehension of crowd feel is more important than ever.  

What “Crowd feel” Is

Crowd feel means understanding the sentiment of your audience. It is your ability to sense the mood of the marketplace. It’s instinctively knowing where your people are mentally and emotionally. Crowd feel is comprehending what message or product the customer is ready to receive and then delivering it. 

Humans are emotional beings. If you keep up with my articles, books, videos, speeches, or podcasts, you’ve heard me say this before. It’s important to know and never forget this. Humans make all their decisions based on emotion then back those decisions up with data or — occasionally — logic.  

Humans decide (emotionally) whether or not they will tune into your message. This is true if you’re delivering comedy, selling widgets, or attempting to keep your business afloat. 

What Crowd Feel Means For You

In comedy, I worked with anal retentive meeting planners who insisted the show start at 8 because that’s what the contract or their watch said. But the audience wasn’t looking at their watch. The audience was fetching another drink and networking while dinner was still being served.  

Right now, you’re looking at your watch and being that anal retentive meeting planner. It’s OK, I am too. Like you, I’m nervous about business and I have too much time on my hands. 

So we fester and pester when what we should really do is simply give our audience a little more time. Your crowd will come around eventually. Let them adjust to working from home and hoarding hand sanitizer first.  

What Happens If You Ignore Crowd Feel 

You’ve no doubt seen a comedy show that went poorly. In showbiz it’s called dying on stage. 

Chances are, the presenter “died” because his or her message wasn’t consistent with the feeling of the crowd. 

During this time of pandemic, if you appear too “salesy,” too self-interested, or too unaware of your customer’s pain and angst, you’re going to die on stage. And guess what? Nobody re-books a performer after they’ve seen them tank.  

How To Feel Your Crowd 

If you want your business to survive the Covid calamity, do this: 

  1. Take your audience’s temperature. Call a few long time clients. Ask them how they’re doing. Then ask them what you should be doing for them and others like them.  

  2. Observe the marketplace. Comedy is observation with a point of view, delivered humorously. Notice observation is the first action? 

  3. Listen. I used to do a lot of after dinner shows. I knew it was time to hit the stage by listening. When the crowd gets louder that means they’re done eating and it’s time to deliver, before you lose them to the bar! What this means for you: listen to the media, pay attention to phone calls and emails. Your customers will tell you (subtly) when they’re ready to talk business.  

I’ve always said you can’t teach comedy. But you can teach business lessons learned from comedy. Feel your crowd and deliver your show accordingly.  

Damian Mason is a keynote speaker on the subjects of business, food, and agriculture. He’s the author of Do Business Better and Food Fear. For podcast episodes, articles, Youtube links and more visit