Economics, at its very basics, is about human decision making. You may have been miffed by the supply and demand charts thinking economics was all abstract theories and equations. It’s not. Boiled down, economics equals human decision making.
Read MoreOne of many things a career in comedy taught me is the value of what I call “crowd feel.” With the world careening into a Covid-19 caused crisis, your comprehension of crowd feel is more important than ever.
Read MoreThe Coronavirus pandemic has many people working from home who previously didn’t. Whether or not this trend will last, or even how long it will last, is unknown. One thing’s for certain: people still need to connect, collaborate, and meet to do business. Many of those meetings are moving online and oftentimes they’re not very productive.
Read MoreBusinesses large and small find themselves suddenly dislocated due to coronavirus. Employees are working from home (well, sort of!). Vendors can’t make personal sales calls. The office is shuttered. And the manager trying to keep the business running amidst “corona chaos,” is losing her mind!
Read MoreIf you run your own business, you wear a lot of hats. It’s normal to ask — somewhat desperately, “Where should I spend my time and where do I begin?”
Read MoreThe problem for many people who work from home or aspire to run a homegrown business: bad habits and practices.
Read MoreIt’s not “word-of-mouth” advertising. It’s “word-of-hard-earned-reputation-established-through-years-of-delivering-results-for-paying-clientele” advertising.
Read MoreWe all work for other people’s money, whether we sell sunglasses, songs, or anything else. When we make it easy for those people to move from customers to raving fans, our business thrives.
Read MoreYou’ve heard that old thing about animals knowing when you’re scared of them, right? It’s the same thing with the universe and you — it knows when you’re being a slug and it punishes you. Conversely, the universe rewards activity with more activity.
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