How to Prioritize Your Time? Use the ROCKY Method!

If you run your own business, you wear a lot of hats. It’s normal to ask — somewhat desperately, “Where should I spend my time and where do I begin?” 

When time allocation vexes you, try the ROCKY method.  

ROCKY has nothing to do with the movie. It’s an acronym I developed. Sorry. I know acronyms can be cliche. But ROCKY will help you successfully prioritize your daily activity, I promise. I use it myself! 


Without income, you don’t have a business. Period.  Therefore, your primary focus is generating revenue. In short, doing the work that customers pay you to do. 

Whether your company is in its fifth week or fiftieth year of existence, maximizing revenue is job 1.  Once you maximize revenue, deploy and invest that money for the growth and longevity of your enterprise.  Again, the most important allocation of your daily time is in performing activities that earn income.  


Outreach is your combined selling, marketing, and advertising effort. This is the second most important place to spend your time, after doing what you’re paid to do. 

Start with business cards, they’re cheap, and they can also be digital. Build a website. Create and dutifully maintain a social media presence for your business. Send informative emails to clientele and prospects. Go “old school” and pick up the phone - it works! 

We’ve all seen businesses who hustle when times are lean, then don’t bother calling leads back when times are fat. When times turn lean again, the cycle repeats. Only problem, those prospects that didn’t get called back haven’t forgotten. They’ll never be customers because now they’re put off. 

Don’t be one of those companies.


Mine is a creative business. So is yours. While you may not be a speaker or author, you do create a product or service. It’s up to you to reinvent that product as market forces dictate.  

How to be more creative:

First, observe everything — not just your own industry. Henry Ford didn’t invent the assembly line, contrary to popular belief. He allegedly adopted the concept after seeing a meat processing plant.  

Second, allow yourself time to think. Most people don’t do this, instead filling their head with noise and distractions. My best ideas come to me when I’m hiking with my dogs, riding my bike, sitting on a tractor, or staring out the window of a plane. 


Reality: Most people learn new things only when forced to do so.

Successful entrepreneurs stay ahead of the curve. They do so by regularly adding to their knowledge base. Devote part of every day to education. Read business books. Seek out knowledge from sources you wouldn’t normally run across. 

Longevity is achieved by businesspeople who enhance their experience through constant learning.  


Regardless of the size or structure of your business enterprise, you are the critical component. As such, you must devote time to you. Put bluntly, your revenue, client base, knowledge, and new creative endeavors mean nothing if you’re a disaster.  

As I say in my book, Do Business Better, eventually, it’s all about you. 

So, how do you improve YOU? Start by apportioning time to self-improvement. Exercise, read, attend events that make you stronger, and most importantly, establish relationships with people who make you better.  

The ROCKY Method 

It’s natural to be overwhelmed. Use the ROCKY method to allocate your time more prosperously. 

Damian Mason is a Businessman, Agriculturalist, Author, Podcaster, and Allocator of His Time. For speaking engagements, podcast episodes, articles, or to purchase his books visit