What These Sayings Really Mean For Your Business
They’re old sayings we’ve all heard. But what do they really mean for you and your business? Likely not what you or what most people think. At least not on the surface.
Let’s take a look at two verses in the common vernacular and interpret them for the success of you and your enterprise.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
There are people who are very connected through no effort of their own. They were born this way and now they reap the rewards. Their family’s relationships ingratiate these folks who exploit the power of “who they know” to great financial gain.
That’s all fine and good for the rich and privileged but you’re likely not one of those people. I’m not either. I created the business I have over 25-plus years based on what I know. But I’ve also capitalized on who I know.
When you run your business the right way, you create goodwill by delivering positive results. Over time, the people who you know perpetuate your business by creating connections for you with people they know. You take your business to the next level by seeking introductions and referrals to grow your “who you know” index.
“Word-of-Mouth” Advertising
Telling a business person their success is based on word-of-mouth advertising is insulting. It implies the successful business person hasn’t earned the positive referrals and instead lucked into them.
What really happens is, the business operator busts her tail putting out a great product. Her clients recommend her business to their trusting peers because the business owner has earned her client’s trust.
It’s not “word-of-mouth” advertising. It’s “word-of-hard-earned-reputation-established-through-years-of-delivering-results-for-paying-clientele” advertising.
Opportunities Come From People
Virtually all opportunities in life come from other people. We cultivate greater opportunities for ourselves by building our “who you know” portfolio. We do this by consistently delivering outcomes our customers can’t stop talking about.
Damian Mason is a keynote speaker, author, and podcaster on the subjects of Business, Agriculture, and Food. For speaking inquiries or to purchase his books, Do Business Better and Food Fear visit www.damianmason.com
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